My apologies, it has been a bit since I updated you on our journey. We have been preparing and going to various appointments, plus, you know…regular life. My "Pedicure" is officially scheduled for Wednesday, Feb 15th, at 9:30 am.
Big Bad Biopsy
I went in last Tuesday for a biopsy to confirm that it was indeed "c". They wanted to make 150% sure since, well, I can't grow my leg back if the imaging was wrong. But it was confirmed, so my "pedicure" will go as planned. The funny part of the biopsy was when they gave me a Xanax and then 30 minutes later gave me Dilaudid. They gave me the full dose since I was still awake after the Xanax. Everyone else they wheeled by my room was out cold going back for their procedure. NOT ME! I was chatty Cort the ENTIRE procedure. I had no idea it was supposed to knock me out at the time. A few hours later, after we got home, I of course, got very sleepy and basically passed out at my work computer. Not sure that was the delayed effect they were looking for. It was an interesting day, to say the least!

The Leg Man
Last Thursday, we met with a prosthetist. Say that three times fast. I don't like that word, so, you guessed it, I gave it a different name….."my leg man." My leg man's name is Dr. Drew. He was recommended to me, and I think he will be a great fit. He took the time to go review the process with us and show us different prosthetics. On average, it takes about eight weeks to get fitted for a prosthetic (I don't like this word either, so read the Pre-Op section for more on that). I hope to beat that average, but it depends on so many things out of my control. Things like how I heal, the dreaded insurance company (this is generally the most significant issue) and product manufacturing. After that, I will need physical therapy to learn how to walk again. I cannot wait for the first day I get to stand in a prosthetic. It will be hard at first, but I am ready for the challenge!

The Support
Everyone knows my husband is an amazing guy. AMAZING. Most of you don't know that he may possibly be the least thoughtful person alive. HA! Not kidding; he struggles with gifts, gestures, etc. In our 23 years together, it has just become a hilarious joke. I don't mind because he tries his best. He blew my mind the other day. He asked to throw me a last-minute party this past Saturday to garner support for me before my surgery. He took care of everything from the invites to the food. We had an overwhelming turnout. I mean, I was floored by the number of people to show up to support our family. Neighbors, friends, co-workers, family……it was heartwarming. Most importantly, it was EXACTLY what I needed. It was the MOST thoughtful thing that has ever been done for me. You certainly set a high bar for yourself, Nicholas!
My husband and son have been so amazing through all of this. It has been hard for them, but I know if I put on a brave face, so will they. We will get through this together because that is what we always do. We have been through tragedy, triumphs, bliss, devastation; you name it. But our love and support for each other never falters. We are a strong little family of 3. We will have to rely on outside support this time, which I think we are ready to do. The outpouring of support and generosity from everyone has been an enormous bright spot in our time of darkness.
The One With the Pre-Op Appointment
Yesterday, I had my pre-op appointment with my Dr. He gave us a time for surgery, answered all our questions and listened to all the funny names I have for things. I even asked my son's burning question, "What will they do with your leg after surgery?" He explained the process so we could relay the info to him. Thankfully, he gets my sense of humor about things. That makes everything so much easier. He even calls my procedure a "pedicure" for me. Also, I wouldn't say I like the word stump, I despise it. I decided to give it a new name. I know, by now you aren't surprised. I decided to use a stump/leg combo name. My stump will now be referred to as "Regina," and my new leg with be called "Phalange." Together, we will be Regina Phalange! (Where are all my FRIENDS fans?!? Love it, right?!?)

That is all for now! Thank you for your continued prayers, good thoughts and support.