I last wrote to update you on my wound progress. Unfortunately, the small section never healed. A neighbor told me to name my wound. I thought about something annoying on Friends, and it immediately came to me, OH. MY. GAAAWWDD! Yep, my wounds name is Janice.

Met with Dr. on Tuesday (4/4) to see what needs to be done to Janice. He decided to help speed up the healing process; I needed surgical intervention. He moved some things around, and I was scheduled for surgery the next day! Did I ever tell you how amazing my medical team is?!?!
A few hours later, on Tuesday evening, I was helping clean up the kitchen, even though Nick specifically asked me not to do that. I was scooting around the kitchen on the knee scooter, and it tipped over, and of course, I jammed my leg right into the hardwood floor. I don't think I will ever remember I don't have a foot there anymore. I will save you the obscenities that came out of my mouth. Thankfully, I was having surgery the following day b/c the tiny part of Janice that did try to heal popped right back open. When I told my Dr. the next day, he said he was glad we were doing the surgery because that just proved to him that it would not stay shut without additional intervention.
Wednesday (4/5), we returned to the hospital I have been to so many times before for another surgery. (Number 5 if anyone is counting.) This surgery was called a debridement. In standard terms, he cut around the section of the wound that never healed and used fresh tissue to stitch it up. He also placed a wound vac on the part he had newly stitched. I posted a pic below of the wound vac. A wound vac is a vacuum-assisted closure of a wound. It works by decreasing air pressure on the wound, helping to heal it more quickly. So Janice is officially gone from my life! This procedure seemed to be the way I could heal the quickest. Surgery was pretty easy on me yesterday. I always have nausea and vomiting issues after general anesthesia. Still, since this was my third surgery in less than eight months, the anesthesiologist created the perfect cocktail for me that works. No more projectile vomiting like the exorcist for me! I conned Nick into stopping at Chili's for me to get Baked Potato Soup and chips and salsa. We never go to Chili's, but I crave that soup almost daily. Well, without the green onions on top. I swear it is my favorite soup in the world. Damn, now I want to have it again!
Before heading back for surgery On the way home after surgery
My delicious Chili's snack after surgery! The Wound Vac
It is back to the couch for me, but I know I have a much better chance of healing now. If I can heal, I can get scanned for my socket and become weight-bearing. I’m not going to lie; the wound vac is a pain in the ass. Quoting my PA, “Regina has a tail!” The machine can never be disconnected, making it a Stage 5 clinger. It’s going to take some getting used to, for sure. I return for a Post-Op visit on April 13th. I am thrilled to have a little hope that this will finally heal. I am ready to move on to the prosthetic part of my journey. I'll take any prayers, good thoughts, good vibes, or pixie dust you can throw my way. I am MORE than ready to put all of this behind me.