AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ok, I'm better now. Well as some of you know, my cancer has returned with a vengeance. I went for my PET scan on Nov. 25th and received the devastating news on the 26th. Not only is the cancer back in my arm, but it has spread to my other arm; and my liver. What a gut punch. I will refrain from my feelings to explain what will be happening. The reason I could not receive immunotherapy is because I had no measurable disease (aka active cancer). I now have a measurable disease, therefore I am a good candidate for immunotherapy. Since the two tumors in my arms are in the bone, my Dr. does not want to risk those getting bigger and potentially harming the bone. They will have a discussion at the tumor board on Friday, to decide if I should begin radiation on my arms.
Now for my liver. We could go in and perform cryo-ablation (freeze the tumor to remove it). However, the method of removal of tumors is not working. We have decided to try a new approach. I will begin immunotherapy with two therapies (Ipilimumab and Nivolumab) on December 11th. I will have these infusions every 21 days. In theory, this should boost my immune system and teach my body to fight off this cancer. Thankfully, immunotherapy has few side effects. I'm hopeful everything goes smoothly and my body will get rid of this horrible disease.
The oncologist is also attempting to get insurance to approve Cabozantinib, an oral chemo. I have been on the phone all afternoon trying to help get them to approve this. If we can get it approved, I believe the plan is to start me on it after we see how the cancer reacts to the immunotherapy.
This is the plan we have for now. Not sure if it will work but I am glad we are trying a different approach. I have been through 5 years of hell, 7 surgeries which included an amputation and open-heart surgery, and I don't know what else to do. I am looking forward to trying something new. I hope and pray it works.
This was not the outcome we were expecting. My boys did not take the news well, not even close. I immediately went into fight mode. Was I pissed and heartbroken? YES!!! Did my life flash before my eyes? YES!!! Did I consider that this was it for me and I would die from this? YES!!!!!! I took a few hours to feel sorry for myself. Then I decided this was the biggest fight yet and I was READY! I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT. I have non-negotiable events that I MUST be there to see. My son's Senior year including his Senior nights, his HS graduation, and taking him to college.
Of course, I would love to be there to see him graduate from college, get married, and meet my grandchildren but the reality is, that might not be in the cards for me. The reality of fighting cancer is we don't have the luxury of planning our life for more than 3 months at a time. So am I updating photo albums, writing down recipes, writing letters, updating my bucket list, and planning for my death...unfortunately, YES I AM! Does it break my heart and piss me off at the same time...YES IT DOES. Will I give up...NO I F'ING WON'T!!!!
I am going to concentrate on my upcoming treatments, enjoying my time with my boys and my friends, celebrating my favorite holiday, and working on my bucket list. I encourage each of you to plan a trip you have been putting off, get over the small stuff you have been sweating, think that now is not the "right time", and realize that each day we have is so precious. Please Make it Count for Cort!
P.S. - I am happy to answer any questions anyone has. Just ask in the comments or email me!

Praying this new approach brings promising results, and that the extra time with family and friends at the holidays allows for lots of new memories and bucket list items! Sending you Liner good vibes.
We love you and are praying daily for your healing.❤️