Apologies it has been a while since I updated. There hasn’t been much happening and I have been perfecting “taking it easy.” I had my follow-up from my 4/4 surgery on 4/13. They removed my wound vac “aka Regina’s tail” and that made me so happy. That thing was an absolute pain, but it was for a good cause. The consensus was my wound still needed some extra healing time before I could go weight-bearing, so my Dr. wanted to see me back in two weeks. To start the prosthesis process, I have to be able to be weight-bearing.
To say this process has been difficult is an understatement. The wound setback wasn’t something I had planned for. Let’s face it, I’m Type-A so I have to plan everything!!! HA! Being an obsessive planner is something I have been working hard on while I have been healing. I am not ashamed to say I had a total breakdown about a week and a half ago because I didn’t see an end in sight. About the time of my breakdown, Nick came around the corner with a surprise. It’s called an iWALK hands-free crutch. It allows me to walk around using my leg from the knee up without affecting my wound. I was up and walking in minutes. I spent the whole day learning how to master it and I’m a pro now. I can even walk up and down the stairs. What freedom it gave me! I haven’t used it a lot because I am trying not to overdo it.

I went to see my prosthetist “aka leg man” on 4/20 to see if my wound was healed enough to be scanned for the creation of my first test socket. He thought it was, so he completed the scan. (Yay! Step One!) Today, 4/27 I returned to my surgeon to get the final answer on whether I can continue with my prosthetic process. HE GAVE ME THE GREEN LIGHT!!! He will be leaving my stitches in until I return to see him in mid-May. He wants to be overly cautious with my wound.
On Monday, May 1, I will be going for my first socket test fitting! They will mark that socket and do some adjustments and then send it back to production so they can create my second test socket. That process will take about 10 days. Once I receive the second test socket, I will be able to stand and try to walk. I will also get to take that test leg home to try it out for several weeks.
So some exciting times are headed my way, barring any setbacks. Along with my exciting times, I have some nerve-wracking times coming up as well. I am scheduled for a PET scan on 5/15 as part of my screening process. I will receive the results the following day. Screening tests are always an anxiety-ridden process for me. I am always terrified of what these tests will show. However, I am going to try and focus on the exciting times I have coming my way.
I am grateful for all of your good wishes, thoughts and prayers. Keep them up, please!!