Since we are knocking on the weekend's door, I wanted to ask each of you how you plan to "Make It Count?"
I have begun training for a 5K. It has always been a goal/dream of mine to run a 5k at Disney World. I have put it off for years and am now facing a minor setback. I decided if I start training before my surgery, getting back on my feet will be much easier. My "Make It Count For Cort" is beginning my training for a Disney 5K. What are you doing this weekend to "Make It Count For Cort?"
Remember, it can be something simple, something challenging or something fun! Just get out there is do all those things you have been putting off. Make your days count! #MakeItCountForCort
Remember to please post pictures of your accomplishments or make a post of your efforts with #makeitcountforcort and tag my FB page “Make It Count For Cort” my Instagram page at @makeitcountforcort or my Twitter page at @countforcort.

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